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Time Saving Ordering Tips

by Sara Peters on May 13, 2019
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Our e-store is all about getting what you need quickly and getting on with your day. We have employed a couple of features that will help you do just that.

Quick order pad

The Quick Order Pad allows you to type or copy/paste the part numbers you need, enter quantities, then add to cart for checkout. This feature is located next to the search bar on the home page. 

Quick Order also allows for file upload. Download our template and open in Microsoft Excel. Enter your part numbers and the quantity needed. Upload in the same box next to the search bar. 

Other options for Quick Order are available under the My Account area. 


Frequently ordering the same parts? Create a list!

Some customers build a parts list that includes all the parts for a specific pump or other piece of equipment. This helps you save time when searching for parts you need. 

Customer Part Numbers

You can assign your company's part numbers to products on our store! When viewing the product detail page, click the text "Add/Remove Customer Part #", type in the new part number and click "Add". You can search by customer part number, and even order through the quick order pad! 

If you have a large number of customer part numbers to add, email j.spence@craneengineering.net for assistance! You don't have to add them one by one. 

Topics: Lists, Quick Order