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Purchasing Teams and User Roles

by Sara Peters on May 10, 2019
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Crane Engineering's e-store allows purchasing departments to maintain control of purchases with the use of purchasing teams. Purchasing managers can add/deactivate users through the Account Dashboard. They can also approve/reject carts submitted by team members who are not permitted to make purchases on behalf of the company. 

Purchasing User Roles

There are 3 user roles that purchasing managers can assign to team members:

General User - Recommends products to purchasing, cannot authorize purchases
Authorized Purchasing Agent - Has authorization to purchase
Super User - Has authorization to purchase and also manage other purchasers

Managing Teams

Super Users can manage their team by navigating to My Account > Admin Tools > Manage Users.

To add a user, on the Manage Users screen, click the Add User button in the upper right corner. Fill in the information for the new user and assign a purchasing role (General User, Authorized Purchasing Agent, or Super User). Click "Save".

If the user created was a General User, you will need to assign someone to approve his/her purchases. The system will default to your account for approval if you created the user.

If you would like to change the authorized purchaser for this user, click the "Edit User" button next to the General User you created. A list of approved purchasers is displayed below the User Information. Select an approved purchaser and click "Update".

Disabling Users

To remove a user from your team, click the "Edit User" button next to the user you'd like to edit. Click the "Disable User" button above the "User Information" area. 

NOTE: Disabling users does not remove them from your list of users. If you would like to remove them from your list of users entirely, send an email to info@craneengineering.net with your request. We will handle it promptly. 

We recommend checking over your team and their permission at least 3-4 times per year. This will ensure former employees do not have access to your order history and pricing if they leave your company. 

Topics: Purchasing Teams/Users