There are lots of places to go for answers when it comes to researching fluid process equipment. To help you narrow your search for information, we asked our Application Engineers to help us put together a list of their favorite resources.
1. Cole Palmer - This website has a great database of chemicals and materials. It's helpful for checking chemical and material compatibility.
2. - Need to calculate friction loss? This site provides a good friction-loss calculator. “This will get you a quick and accurate friction loss calculation of your system,” says Ryan Driessen, one of our application engineers.
3. Crane's Fluid Connection - Crane’s blog has been a great resource for our engineers to call on, when our customers are seeking more insight into a problem. There are a number of relatable case studies and good general information to reference for many types of fluid process equipment. If you can't find what you're looking for on the blog, try Crane's Resource Library. It is full of free eBooks and other downloadable resources.
4. Cameron Hydraulic Data - is full of fluid property information that helps engineers understand system characteristics so the appropriate equipment can be selected. A great resource for engineers who work with fluids and steam. You can pick up your own copy on Amazon.
5. Nema Motor Catalog- Provides information on motors to either select the correct size equipment, or helps you determine the capabilities of the existing equipment.
6. Cornell's Pumpline Blog - Cornell Pump has a number of blog posts and videos on their Pumpline Blog. Brad Parkhurst recommends this blog because it offers a plethora of information on centrifugal pumps.
7. Prepared Customers - There's no better resource when it comes to making accurate selections than the well prepared customer. Jorie Buck, application engineer, says “The more quality information you provide, the easier it is for us to help you.” When customers provide system measurements, design points, piping arrangements, etc., application engineers are able to find the right solution a lot faster.
Help us add to this list! What are some of your favorite resources to reference for fluid process equipment? List them in the comments below.